Bravo on making it to the final step of Responsive Feedback!
In Step 4, you thought through potential methods you may use to address your learning question, and the types of evidence they provide.
Now, think through one potential finding from this process and plan a Pause and Reflect session for it.
Resources needed for Step 5:
(1) Review pages 35-40 of the Step-by-step guide – it provides you with practical tips for how to plan a good Pause and Reflect session.
(2) Download and review Reading 5 (pdf), an additional resource with practical examples to help you pause and reflect.
In the comments below, please share your Pause and Reflect session plan with peers by answering the following questions:
- What is a potential finding to your learning question?
- Go back to the key stakeholders that you listed in Worksheet 1. Which stakeholders would you invite to the Pause and reflect session?
- How would you communicate your potential finding to the stakeholders?
- What considerations might impact the best way to communicate your finding and proposed next steps to each of your stakeholders? (Potential considerations may include the stakeholder’s familiarity/comfort with interpreting data, their level of interest in this finding, their concern about the resources needed to make this adjustment, how closely this suggested change fits within the program guidelines, and so on.)
- What would you do differently or what changes would you make to your program or field implementation based on learning from this potential finding?
To plan your Pause and Reflect session well, I invite you to:
Why is Pause and reflect sessions important?
To help you complet Step 5, Emeka shares a key insight based on his own experience of conducting Pause and reflect sessions.
Of course, I will not leave without sharing with you my own top tip for how to have a good Pause and Reflect session with your stakeholders.
Once you have shared your Pause and reflect session plan below, I encourage you to read three peers’ comments and find out how they are planning to pause and reflect with their stakeholders.
Got questions about this step of Responsive Feedback or its related resources? Share with me and your peers in the comments below.
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