Good questions need good answers.
Now that you have defined your learning question, you need to find the right evidence to answer it.
In Step 4 you will learn how to identify appropriate methods and resources to answer your learning question.
Resources needed for Step 4:
(1) Complete the remaining columns in your Learning Agenda (Worksheet 2).
(2) Review pages 28-34 of the Step-by-step guide – it provides you with a list of different methods and sources you could potentially use to answer your learning questions.
(3) Download and review Reading 4 (pdf), below. This is an additional resource with practical examples to help you identify methods and resources needed.
How do you know what types of methods to choose?
Here is a quick way to find out.
How do you know if you have chosen the right methods and resources to answer your learning question?
In his video message below, Emeka shares a thought process to help you.
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