How can Responsive Feedback help a practitioner like you in your daily work?
To answer this question, I have invited Rachel and Emeka to join me to share with you our own story with Responsive Feedback.
These stories are close to our heart. And we hope that they can help you to see the difference Responsive Feedback can make in your own work.
Once you have heard all three stories, answer these questions in the comments section below:
- What is the intervention or program that you want to improve through Responsive Feedback?
- Why is there a need to improve it? Are you facing any challenges? Tell us what these challenges are.
How Responsive Feedback helped meet the information needs of communities during COVID-19 pandemic
In the story I share below, Responsive Feedback has made the difference between nobody using the dashboard and the dashboard playing a key role in serving the needs of the people and communities in the program during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In fact, Responsive Feedback is particularly useful in rapidly changing situationssuch as the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is why.
You can learn more about the dashboard here (for US-based audiences) and here (for India-based audiences.)
How Responsive Feedback improved senior residents’ wellbeing through smart speaker technology
As you listen to Rachel’s story below, I encourage you to pay special attention to the things she and her team did that helped them to be responsive and adaptive.
You can learn more about Rachel’s project here
How Responsive Feedback increased demand for family planning services in Lagos Sate, Nigeria
The IntegratE project Emeka has been leading seeks to expand access to quality family planning services through community pharmacists and the patent and proprietary medicines vendors (PPMVs).
Two years ago, the project hit a bottleneck. Emeka explains what happened.
Now hear Emeka explain how he and his team used Responsive Feedback to overcome the challenge and achieve incredible results.
You can learn more about the IntegratE project here and how it uses Responsive Feedback to re-design demand generation strategies here.
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