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The Curve Learning Resources
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Responsive Feedback: a framework for continuous improvement
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A welcome from Professor Vish Viswanath
Rethink your definition of “learning”
Get to the “heart and soul” of Responsive feedback
Find out what difference Responsive Feedback can make
Download Resources
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Download and review the key resource on Responsive Feedback
Practice five steps of Responsive Feedback
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Step 1: Identify your stakeholders and resources
Step 2: Reveal your assumptions
Step 3: Develop and prioritize your learning questions
Step 4: Identify methods and resources needed to answer your learning question
Step 5: Plan your Pause and reflect session with stakeholders
Where to go from here?
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How can I best use Responsive Feedback in my work?
Get inspired: How are my colleagues using Responsive Feedback?
Final message: How to continue improving with Responsive Feedback?
Stay in touch
Where to go from here?
Where to go from here?